Credit Union Car Loan

Low-Cost Car Loans

Only Pay Interest on What You Owe

Over €22Million

In Car Loans Issued Last Year

High Approval

Most Loan Applications Are Approved

Fair Lending

You Always Get a Fair Decision

Best Car Loans in Kildare & Offaly

Our Credit Union Car Loan provides the best car loan interest rates, and flexible affordable repayment terms, making it the perfect option for financing your next car.

In the last year, we’ve helped our members by lending over €22 million to help buy vehicles. We understand that buying a car is a big decision, and we’re here to help you make it as easy as possible. With our car loan, you own the vehicle outright from the beginning, with no balloon payments or hidden fees, unlike other car financing options.

Use our handy Car Loans Calculator below to estimate your monthly payments. Just enter the amount you require, and the repayment term, then adjust to suit your repayment ability. Using the car loan calculator tool, you can compute potential loan repayments and see how affordable our loans can be.

If you’re considering buying a new, car check out our PCP Buster New Car Loan or if you are opting for an EV or Hybrid car, our Green Loan will be best suited to you. If you’re unsure which car loan suits best, read our handy guide – we’ll always work with you to find a loan that fits your budget and needs.

Why choose a Credit Union Car Loan

  • Get pre-approval and shop for your car like a cash buyer
  • Join and borrow instantly - no waiting period required for members!
  • Loans for new or used cars – own your car from day one
  • Competitive car loan interest rates
  • Borrow any amount up to €100,000
  • Free Loan Protection Insurance (T&C apply)
  • Interest calculated only on the outstanding balance of the loan
  • No penalties or fees for early repayment
  • Explore car finance options but consider the benefits of choosing our credit union for your car finance needs!

infoApply for a loan today. Not a member? You can join & apply at the same time.

Loan calculator

Loan Type
Decrement Amount
Increment Amount
Decrement Term Increment Term
  • Weekly Total Interest
  • Fortnightly Total Interest
  • Monthly Total Interest
APR means Annual Percentage Rate. The repayment amount quoted in our Credit Union loan calculator above is for illustrative purposes only, and to provide you with an overview of the potential cost of borrowing, including estimated monthly repayments and the applicable car loan interest rate. Restrictions may apply.

Warning: If you do not meet the repayments on your loan, your account will go into arrears. This may affect your credit rating, which may limit your ability to access credit in the future. If you are experiencing difficulty repaying your loan, or believe you may in the future, please click here.


Compare the rates:

We have compared a €10,000 loan over a 5-year term (60 months) with the main lenders in our locality [source: 17/01/25]:

  Monthly   Total Cost
  Croí Laighean Credit Union   €200   €12,000
  AIB – Personal Loan   €205.89   €12,353
  Bank of Ireland – Personal Loan   €199.43   €11,966
  An Post Money – Car Loan   €202.29   €12,137
  PTSB – Personal Loan   €221.44   €13,286

Plus, with a Croí Laighean Car Loan, you get free loan protection insurance and the money you borrow directly helps your local community.

Why choose a Credit Union Car Loan?

If you’re looking for the best car loans or the cheapest car loans in Ireland, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re dreaming of an upgrade, a family car, a hybrid or electric car, or just looking to buy your first car – talk to Croí Laighean Credit Union about our fair and flexible loans. Our Car Loans come with free loan protection insurance and we won’t penalise you for early repayment. Credit unions are community-based, not-for-profit organisations that often offer lower interest rates compared to traditional lenders.

You can get pre-approved for finance and then shop around to find the car of your dreams like a cash buyer (and this should get you a better deal too!),

At Croí Laigean Credit Union, all loan applications are individually assessed by our experienced lending team, and decisions are based on your repayment ability, not what the computer says. You will always get a fair and transparent decision with Croí Laighean Credit Union.

The great news is that you can join today and borrow today with our new combined application form; this allows you to apply for a loan and membership at the same time, leaving more time to find your dream car. We can honestly say we provide one of the cheapest car loans in Ireland.

Thinking of buying a new car?

Our loan rates are very competitive with a standard car loan interest rate of just 7.76% APR. But, if you’re looking to buy a new car, check out our PCP buster which allows you to tailor your loan to suit your repayment ability at one of Ireland’s lowest car loan rates of just 5.5% (5.64% APR). Find out more >

Frequently Asked Questions


How much can I borrow with a car loan?

Loans for cars can be tricky, but not with us. With us, you can borrow up to €100,000 with repayment terms of up to 10 years. Our  car loan calculator will tell you exactly how much you will have to pay back. We also offer a PCP Buster new car loan with a low rate of 5.5% (5.64% APR) for loans over €25,000.

Additionally, our range of personal loans provides flexible financing options for various purposes such as home improvement, education, and travel.

How competitive are your car loan rates in Ireland?

We’ve made car financing easy and affordable. We offer the best car loan rates, so competitive that we are a top choice for loans in Ireland. Use our loan calculator to work out a repayment plan.

What is Free Loan Protection Insurance?

Free Loan Protection Insurance means your loans are insured at no direct cost to you. Should a member with an outstanding loan balance die, the balance is repaid in full, subject to terms and conditions. Potential loan protection for members aged 70 years or younger, is up to €100,000, and up to €40,000 for members aged between 70-85 years. Terms and conditions apply.

Can I get approval and then shop around?

Absolutely! With our Credit Union car loan, you can get pre-approval and shop around like a cash buyer.

Can I borrow to pay off a PCP balloon payment?

Yes, you can apply for a loan to pay off the balance of your PCP contract (also known as the GMFV payment or balloon payment). If you’re in the market for a new car and are considering PCP Finance, check out our PCP Buster New Car Loan which offers a market-leading rate of 5.5%.

Can I repay early?

Of course, we don’t charge penalties or fees for the early repayment of your car loan. This is one of the many member-focused initiatives we offer. Check out our loan comparison guide to find out why you should choose CLCU for your next loan.

Can I get car insurance through Croí Laighean Credit Union?

Yes, we work with Peopl insurance who offer fantastic quotes that are underwritten by some of the largest global insurers. Click here to get a quote >

Apply now for our competitive Car Loan


Start your journey to owning your dream car today by applying for a credit union car loan. Whether you’re purchasing a new car or upgrading, our low car loan rates and flexible terms make it easy. Use our car loan calculator to get an estimate and apply online!

Repayment Example:

A loan of €25,000 over 5 year period would cost €500.95pm at a variable rate of 7.5% (APR 7.76%). The cost of credit is €5,050.96 and the total amount repayable is €30,050.96. Variable rates may increase which would cause the cost of credit to increase. The maximum loan term for online and in-app applications is 5 years. The minimum loan duration varies depending on the type of application, such as in-branch or online.

While every care has been taken in the production of this web page, the Credit Union, or any of its staff, cannot be held responsible for any omissions, errors, or other mistakes on the site. The calculator is for illustrative purposes only, and to give you, the borrower, an overview of the potential cost of borrowing.

Rates are correct as of 1/02/2022 and are subject to change. Croí Laighean Credit Union is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Apply for a Credit Union Car Loan Today

Use our car loan calculator to suit your repayment ability

A member of our team will contact you

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